Kingsville Military Museum

Mission, Goals & Standards


The mission of the Kingsville Military Museum (Kingsville Historical Park) is to provide information for future generations pertaining to the sacrifices of the men and women in the military as well as the contributions of early settlers and native Canadians to the life style we presently enjoy in this county.

It’s Your Memory

It’s Our History

It’s Worth Saving

“We do not glorify the acts of war, but remember the consequences and the cost of our freedom. Future generations must learn about man’s inhumanity to man so they, in turn will value man’s humanity.”
 Charlie Campbell, WWII Veteran


The goals of the Kingsville Military Museum is

– to promote public interest in the history of the Kingsville are.

– to conduct and promote historical research

– collect and preserve artifacts pertinent to Kingsville and Essex County history

– maintain a library and museum using its facilities for educational purposes

– instill in the youth of the area a respect and interest in the past sacrifices made by War Veterans, towards the preservation of freedom and peace.


The museum has the same standards as an operating museum by following the guidelines outlined for museums and Archives in the Province of Ontario when funding permits.

The corporation is a not for profit registered Charity under the Income Tax Act with the Registration Number of 891455149RR0001.

Any donations by cheque must be made out to Kingsville Historical Park Inc. as that is the corporation name.